
The Automotive Section bundles and coordinates the automotive-specific activities in ZVEI along the automotive supply industry from the manufacturers of electronic components to the system suppliers (Tier-1).

The primary goal here is to raise awareness of tasks in the areas of electronics, infrastructure and software and to find joint solutions with automotive manufacturers. The aim is to avoid duplication of work and divergences in requirements by coordinating partners along the value chain. The basis is a holistic view of electrical/electronic systems and cooperation beyond the boundaries of the ZVEI.

To make its work more efficient, the Automotive Association is expanding cooperation and coordination with other associations, representing the economic, research and technology policy interests of its member companies. The consistent pursuit of these goals actively contributes to strengthening the competitiveness of member companies.

At a glance

Our topics

The Automotive trade association is divided into the following three subject areas:

Automotive electronics with the focus on

  • hardware- as well as the software-specific topics of Functional Safety and ISO 26262 as well as the resulting consequences and new requirements for automotive suppliers (publication of "best practice" guides)
  • Improvement and acceleration of the PCN (Product Change Notification) process for suppliers to the automotive industry through standardization and simplification of change notification and qualification content (publication of ZVEI delta qualification matrix, ZVEI PCN form and training materials)
  • High-temperature electronics & power electronics (including DC link capacitors) with the creation of roadmaps and technical guides for component qualification
  • Consumer Components in Automotive Applications: dialog with other partners in the value chain on the use of components not specifically developed for automotive applications (including consumer components) in automotive applications with a comparison of their requirements (position paper and fact sheet)
  • Supply chain management: due to the current constantly changing challenges to the value chains in electronics manufacturing, current issues and requirements (difficult to predict customer needs, high demands on flexibility and response times, increasing risks of interruptions) are addressed and support is provided as well as solution approaches are identified

Electromobility including charging infrastructure and grid integration

  • Intensive exchange with stakeholders from politics, administration and industry on current developments in electromobility and, in particular, on the expansion and regulation of the charging infrastructure.
  • Identification and monitoring of current standardization in the field of electromobility and charging infrastructure
  • Dealing with open questions on the subject of rescue and recovery at charging infrastructures

Automotive software with the main topics

  • Agile software and system development: exchange of experience and best practice on the application of agile methods in an agile transformation process (including agile scaling models) on the one hand in SW development for safety-relevant automotive applications (functional safety) and on the other hand in an agile system development consisting of electrics/electronics and software as results of the joint exchange of experience documented on a microsite agile.zvei.org
  • Workshop series Automotive, AI, Safety (Safety, Security) highlights the current initiatives and standardization activities in the use of AI systems in automotive applications, including the resulting challenges with regard to security and safety as well as requirements for the approval and release of the corresponding systems.
  • The Software Defined Car and new E/E architectures (central computer architectures) with data-driven development, cloud connectivity (OTA), DevOps, and new development methods address the current megatrends such as digitalization, networking, sustainability, and alternative drive concepts in the transformation of the automotive industry. Challenges such as the increasing complexity of systems are to be mastered by limiting the diversity of variants towards a standardization of interfaces.
  • In addition to current developments and standardization activities in the field of automotive cybersecurity, the focus will be on the exchange of best practices, such as the interaction with the requirements of functional safety.

Our board

Werner Köstler

Continental Automotive GmbH

Further board members:
Hans Adlkofer

Infineon Technologies AG

Norbert Bauer

Preh GmbH

Dr. Markus Bergholz

KOSTAL Kontakt Systeme GmbH

Volkmar Fölsche

Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. KG

Peter Gresch

PGUB Management Consultants GmbH

Dr. Matthias Grote


Klaus Härtl

Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro GmbH

Johannes Hauck

Hager Electro GmbH & Co. KG

Uwe Hauck

TE Connectivity Germany GmbH

Frank Hohn


Karsten Köhler

Melexis GmbH

Dr. Hans-Gerd Krekels

ZF Active Safety GmbH

Volker Lazzaro

Mennekes Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Ralf Lenninger

Continental Automotive GmbH

Dr. Andreas Lock

Robert Bosch GmbH

Christoph Maag

Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. KG

Jan Reblin

DRÄXLMAIER GroupDEE Dräxlmaier Elektrik- und Elektroniksysteme GmbH

Dr. Christian A. Rosenkranz

Clarios Advanced Power Solutions GmbH

Peter Schiefer

Infineon Technologies AG

Martin Schleicher

Elektrobit Automotive GmbH

Dr. Stefan Schlutius


Peter Wiese

NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH

Dr. Michael Winkler

Hella Fahrzeugkomponenten GmbH

Michael Günther Zeyen

vancom GmbH & Co. KG


Our network

  • Inter-association exchange on the topic of electromobility with representatives of the VDA, ZVEH for the formulation of joint positions and statements for politics and the public
  • Collaboration in the advisory board of the National Charging Infrastructure Control Center
  • Cooperation with the VDA Working Group on Rescue to deal with open questions on the subject of rescue and recovery at the charging infrastructure
  • joint project group PG PCN BE with the VDA to synchronize the ZVEI delta qualification matrix with the VDA HW-DQM
  • Cooperation with the ECPE ECPE AQG324 (European Center for Power Electronics - ECPE) as well as the VDE AK DKE/AK 611.0.2 (Qualification of DC-Link Capacitors for Automotive Use) on the state of knowledge in the qualification of high temperature and power electronics
  • Collaboration with OEMs, first tier suppliers (Tier1) and component manufacturers in the VDE ITG NM 5.1 to identify and minimize new risks in the value chain.
  • Active participation in the program committee of the electronica Automotive Conference in cooperation with electronica and Messe München
  • Cooperation with KölnMesse as partner of polisMobilty
  • Networking with the German Transport Forum (DVF) on mobility topics

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News, publications & press releases

Automotive Division – Electronics, Infrastructure & Software

The Automotive Division bundles and coordinates the automotive-specific activities in ZVEI along the automotive supply industry from the manufacturers of electronic components to the system suppliers (Tier-1).

The primary goal is to create awareness of the challenges in the areas of electronics, infrastructure and software and to find solutions with the automotive manufacturers. The aim is to avoid duplication of effort and divergences in requirements by coordinating partners along the value chain. The basis is a holistic view of electrical and electronic systems and cooperation beyond the boundaries of the ZVEI.

In order to organize its work efficiently, the Automotive Association is expanding cooperation and coordination with other associations, representing the economic, research and technology policy interests of its member companies. The consistent pursuit of these goals actively contributes to strengthening the competitiveness of member companies.