
The manufacturers of inert gas welding devices and resistance welding devices have come together to form the Electric Welding Equipment Section.

The section represents the economic, technical and industrial policy interests of the electric welding device industry towards political decision-makers and business circles.

The electric tools supplied to the trade per year in Germany have a value of around € 170 million.

The Electric Welding Equipment Section is a member of the European sector association EWA.

At a glance

Our topics

The sections work currently focuses on the process of Ecodesign regulation for welding equipment, which the section has closely followed since 2012, digitalisation and the implementation of innovations in the area of Industrie 4.0, as well as the topic of health & safety, to which a new working group is dedicated, particularly in the area of welding fume reduction.

Our board

Wolfgang Grüb

Lorch Schweißtechnik GmbH

Vice Chair: 
Robert Stöckl



Our network

The Electric Welding Equipment Section is a member of the European Welding Association (EWA) and works closely with the German Welding Society (DVS), the German Association for Welding and Allied Processes (DKE), the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), the employers' liability insurance associations and various research institutes.

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