ZVEI: German Electro and Digital Industry Association

Innovative und productive

The electrical and digital industry is one of the most innovative economic sectors in Germany. One fifth of the industry's turnover is accounted for by product innovations. Every third innovation in the manufacturing industry as a whole gets its original impetus here. Almost a quarter of all R&D expenditure in the manufacturing sector in Germany comes from the electrical and digital industry. Every year, the sector spends around 20 billion euros on R&D and more than seven billion euros on investments. At the end of 2024, the sector employed about 890,000 people in Germany. Its turnover in 2024 was 220 billion euros.

Smart Network

The basis of our work is the exchange of experience and opinions between our member companies on current technical, economic, legal and socio-political issues in the electrical and digital industry. In around 400 committees, we develop joint positions for the industry and introduce these into the political discourse - in Germany, Europe and worldwide. In this process, we can draw on a strong network of national and international organizations.

A strong industry association

We represent the common interests of our industry and the associated service companies in Germany and at an international level. We represent a key industry that faces up to global challenges and offers technological solutions for pressing social issues. Products and solutions from our industry can be found in almost all areas of life. Our task is to anchor the benefits of innovative technology broadly in society and make the opportunities of electrification and digitalization possible. Our competence is based on the expertise of around 160 employees in the ZVEI Group and more than 5,000 professionals from our 1,100 member companies.