
Results: 573

Senior Manager, 5G-ACIA

Jacky Mou


IT Security in Medical Technology and Hospital IT

​Networked medical devices bring major benefits for patient care, but also potential gateways for malware. The ZVEI position paper provides an overview of the importance of IT security in the…


Introduction to the combined Application of Agile & Safety in Automotive Software Development

The future value of automobiles will undoubtedly be created through software. Whereas software contributes about 10 percent of the added value today, it is expected to rise to 40 percent by 2020…

Press Officer Consumer, Buildings, Economy & Business

Ingrid Pilgram


Information on the Use, Transport and Disposal of SF6 and Equipment Filled with SF6 for the Supply of Electrical Energy

This user guide is based on the current legal requirements in Germany and is intended to help reduce the complexity of handling SF6-filled equipment and provide a simple overview of the necessary…

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