China Affairs

The ZVEI deals with all China-relevant economic issues and topics - following the motto: "Use opportunities - accept challenges - minimize risks". Coordination takes place in the China Affairs department. Since 2007, the ZVEI has also been represented by the office of its China working group EuropElectro in Beijing.

The Chinese electronics market is by far the largest in the world. Between 2010 and 2020, the Chinese electronics market volume more than doubled from EUR 790 billion to (preliminary) EUR 1,898 billion. China's share of the global electronics market has risen from 25.9% to 41.2% over the same period. China's share of global electrical production is even higher, at 50.8% for a volume of 2,337 billion euros. The People's Republic of China has become the largest export customer for the German electrical industry. In 2021, electrical and electronic products worth 25.1 billion euros were shipped to China. The current ZVEI Foreign Trade Report China provides a good overview.​​​



ZVEI's China positions

China is the most important market for the German electrical and digital industry. Nevertheless, a clearly perceptible reconsideration in the assessment of China has been taking place for some time.


ZVEI-pager on China

China is the most important market for the German electrical and digital industry. Nevertheless, a clearly perceptible…


ZVEI's China positions

China is the most important market for the German electrical and digital industry. Nevertheless, a clearly perceptible reconsideration in the assessment of China has been taking place for some time.


ZVEI-pager on China

China is the most important market for the German electrical and digital industry. Nevertheless, a clearly perceptible…