Derzeit wird in den Gremien der Europäischen Chemikalienagentur (ECHA) ein Vorschlag zur umfassenden Beschränkung von per- und polyfluorierten Alkylsubstanzen (PFAS) unter der Chemikalienverordnung REACH diskutiert. Ohne detaillierte Bewertung sollen auf Vorschlag von fünf europäischen Staaten, darunter Deutschland, mehrere tausend Stoffe mit unterschiedlichsten Eigenschaften auf einen Schlag pauschal verboten werden.
When transmitting information via the SCIP database ("Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products)") database, detailed information is required on articles and their ingredients, the scope of which exceeds the requirements of Article 33 (1) of the REACH Regulation.
The joint association information prepared by the ZVEI in cooperation with other trade associations describes the options, tasks and obligations of the companies concerned from today's point of view and provides assistance in implementing § 16f ChemG.
Together with other associations, we continue to exchange information with politicians and authorities in order to shape the new requirements in a feasible manner.
The information provided by the associations represents a "living document" that is continuously adapted to the current state and knowledge.