Social responsibility is a matter of high importance for the Electrical Industry. This is expressed by increasing demands for the evidence of corporate responsibility.
In the electrical industry, as elsewhere, the social responsibility of enterprises is important. This is reflected in growing calls for evidence of corporate social responsibility. As a result, enterprises are presented by their customers with a plethora of different codes. Some of these contain exaggerated requirements, particularly where evaluation is likely to entail excessive interference in their internal company affairs. The ZVEI has therefore drawn up a Code of Conduct of its own governing corporate social responsibility. The ZVEI Code of Conduct takes internationally established benchmarks as its reference, and covers all relevant subjects.
Should you wish to adopt the Code of Conduct yourselves, a form is available here that can be completed electronically. In order for authorization to be valid, please sign the form and post or fax it to us.
Corporate social responsibility, as defined in the terms of delivery conditions and private standards, has been implemented to widely varying degrees in enterprises. The ZVEI wishes to support its member companies in addressing the subject, and has developed an instrument for this purpose. The instrument consists of two documents which you can download in the right-hand column. The first document explains the areas of activity within enterprises that are covered by the ZVEI Code of Conduct, and provides instructions on introducing and implementing the code. A major element here is internal auditing of the existing situation for the enterprise concerned. The checklist in the second document serves as a guide for this purpose.
Links to the text of the ZVEI Code of Conduct in several languages can be found in the menu bar on the right.