Member Services Office


Open Direct Current Alliance (ODCA) founded


  • Direct current makes important contribution to the success of the energy transition
  • ODCA continues work of DC-INDUSTRIE2

ZVEI today founded the Open Direct Current Alliance (ODCA) with 33 companies from industry, academia and research. The goal is to build a worldwide direct current ecosystem and establish direct current technology across applications. The ODCA, a working group of the ZVEI, follows on seamlessly from the successful DC-INDUSTRIE2 research project, which will be completed next year.

"The founding of the ODCA is the starting point for moving closer to a resource-saving and CO2-neutral world," said Gunther Koschnick, ZVEI division manager for industry, about initiating the ODCA. "With the ODCA, we want to bring the insights and solutions of DC technology into international distribution." DC delivers several benefits for a modern industrial power grid: efficient integration of renewable energy, lower resource consumption, reduced feed-in power, stable grids and an open system for users.

The Electro and Digital Industry are in a key position to achieve climate policy goals, and direct current can make an important contribution. In existing plants, up to 10 percent overall energy savings where reached. Additionally, about 50 percent copper savings can be realized for cabling and wiring by switching to DC along with 40 percent reduction of power-loss in cables. Beyond the industrial sector, DC offers high efficiency gains also in the building and mobility sectors.

ODCA founding members include: Audi, Bender, BLOCK, Danfoss, Eaton Industries, ESR Pollmeier, E-T-A, ETO Magnetic, Fraunhofer IISB, Fraunhofer IPA, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Harting, Innelekt, Jean Müller, KEB, KEBA, KUKA, Lapp, Lenze, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, Murrelelektronik, Paul Vahle, Phoenix Contact, Rittal, Schaltbau, Schneider Electric, Siemens, SOCOMEC, TH Ostwestfalen-Lippe, TU Braunschweig, TU Ilmenau, Weidmüller, Wöhner.

Dr. Hartwig Stammberger, Eaton Industries, was elected Chairman, and Dr. Jan Stefan Michels, Weidmüller, was elected Vice Chairman of the association.

Industry Automation Digitalisation Member Services Office Electrification