ZVEI's latest Global Market Outlook of Electo and Digital Industry provides forecasts for the current and the next year, containing predictions for the global market but also for more than 50 single country markets. Additionally, the outlook includes forecasts for twelve considered sub-branches.
Last year, the global market for goods of the electro and digital industry reached a value of 5.8 trillion euros. After the world market had recovered strongly in the two years following the first pandemic year of 2020, the momentum was already more moderate last year with a growth of four percent. For the current year, the ZVEI expects only a minimal increase of one percent. This is due to the weak industrial economy, which is being affected by high interest rates, global uncertainty and subdued private consumption. According to the ZVEI forecast, global market growth should accelerate again somewhat next year – to three percent – but will remain below its long-term average.