As an expert body for research and innovation projects, the ZVEI Automation Research Community (FG Automation) brings together the leading German manufacturers and renowned research institutes from the fields of automation technology and Industrie 4.0.
In 2021, three new IGF projects applied for by the Research Association for Electrical Engineering could be started again. In the research project "CINI 4.0", the applicability of communication technologies such as OPC UA, Time Sensitive Networking and Single Pair Ethernet is being researched, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises. The "PassForM" project is dedicated to the development of a modular assembly station that can be equipped with different types of intelligent modules as needed. With "TestKomm 4.0", research work also started on an integrated test environment for the verification of innovative communication solutions.
The Automation Research Association also sees itself as a discussion forum for overarching research-relevant industry topics such as sustainability, digital business models or standardization. For example, a joint virtual event with the "Initiative Digitale Standards" (IDiS) of DKE and DIN discussed the future and challenge of the digital transformation of standardization. Other exciting discussions were held with the Industrial Digital Twin Association on the digital twin for Industrie 4.0 and with AiF FTK GmbH on InnovatorsNet, a digital innovation and event platform with curated offerings on funding programs, research trends and industry-related innovations, among others.
In 2022, there will again be various opportunities for companies to get involved in Automation Research Association projects. The cooperation of research institutes also continues to be very welcome.