

Material Data Declaration on product level and the Umbrella Specification based on product families as an efficient example

Material data declaration on individual product level describes the specific chemical composition of the final product.

Material Content Data can be created by forming similar product groups with typical chemical composition within defined ranges. These so-called Umbrella Specifications greatly simplify the declaration without any noticeable loss of accuracy and can also be used cross-company wide.

Manufacturers of Electronic Components organised in the ZVEI Electronic Components and Systems and PCB and Electronic Systems Divisions and other partners are driving the concept of the umbrella specifications since many years.

The best practice examples to generate a material declaration on individual product level and on product group level (Umbrella Specifications) find next standing.

Examples for declaration on individual product level:

Example of a product specification for an IC 

Example of a product specification for a MLCC 

Blanco sheet to generate a product specification 


Examples for declaration on product group level (umbrella specification):

Example of an umbrella specification for IC 

Example of an umbrella specification for MLCC 

Blanco sheet to generate an umbrella specification 
