Results: 28
Delivering software for safety-related automotive systems is an objective that leaves absolutely no room for error. Ensuring functional safety is therefore paramount. However, navigating the…
This technical guideline represents a non-binding technical description of test procedures for automotive connectors up to 60 V DC. Representatives of the connector manufacturers in the ZVEI…
Partial discharge measurement Partial discharges also occur in low-voltage applications due to the ever-increasing switching frequencies and the associated ever-increasing dU/dt. Partial discharges…
On the road to climate neutrality in 2045, the "climate neutral grid" will be the key element in the energy system. This grid must ensure the connection of a rapidly growing number of decentralised…
The increasing number of legal and also customer-specific requirements on the content of certain substances in materials and products can only be managed through effective information management…
If equipment is developed according to harmonised standards listed in the EU Official Journal, there is a presumption of conformity with the safety objectives of the corresponding directives, e.g.…
The future value of automobiles will undoubtedly be created through software. Whereas software contributes about 10 percent of the added value today, it is expected to rise to 40 percent by 2020…
This guideline provides lessons-learned, experiences and best practices related to the application of ISO 26262 for the development of software. Version 2
The heat generation an derating curves specified by manufacturers in cylindrical cable and contact system data sheets are still frequently used in modern wiring harness design. This is why the 3D…
27.01.2020 | Digitalisation, Electrification
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