Bad Praxis

"Europe must act as an economic entity"

As managing partner of Elschukom GmbH in Veilsdorf (Thuringia), Ute Poerschke is increasingly struggling with bureaucracy in Brussels. Nevertheless, she is not an EU sceptic - because as an entrepreneur and citizen, she also sees the opportunities that a united Europe offers her.

How does Elschukom benefit from the EU as a company?

As an entrepreneur, I naturally benefit from the single market and the single currency. At the same time, however, the increasing bureaucracy is causing us a lot of problems.

What does Europe need to do now to remain fit for the future?

A united EU is the only chance for European countries to survive in global competition with countries such as China or the USA. Each country on its own is simply too small for this. That is why Europe must act as a single economic entity. Incidentally, this is the only way we can advance climate protection - because we also need a strong and economically successful EU for this.

So - despite all the bureaucracy in Brussels - you are not an EU sceptic?

Not at all. I am completely in favour of the EU!

I would like to see more people in charge who understand their business. They should be willing to pull together - because it is not about ideologies, but about solutions.

Ute Poerschke

But you are not entirely satisfied either. What do you think should change in the EU?

I would like to see more people in charge who understand their business. They should be willing to compromise and pull together - because it is not about ideologies, but about solutions. Today, we have many politicians in the EU who are not experts. This is not exactly helpful when it comes to the many challenges we are currently facing. Specifically, I would like to see a reduction in bureaucracy. Laws should be checked for feasibility before they are passed. And after their introduction, their effectiveness should be evaluated. The aim must be to prevent additional work caused by new laws as far as possible.

Can you influence this at all as a company?

No, because as Elschukom we are simply too small for that. That is why I am involved in the ZVEI as Chairwoman of the Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia regional office and as a member of the ZVEI Board.

How does the EU simplify your everyday life personally?

As a citizen, for example, I can simply travel - like the other day with my mum: we were in Belgium and did not have to cross a border or exchange money. We only realised that we were in another country by looking at the road signs.


Text Christian Buck | Photografy ZVEI


This article is part of the english issue 1.2024 published on 8 May 2024.

Published in issue 1.2024

Together against the permacrisis

Fabian Zuleeg heads the European Policy Centre and is a renowned expert on politics in Brussels. In his view, there can only be one answer to the current accumulation of crises, and that is more cooperation in Europe.

Set Europe Free!

Europe has shackled itself, its citizens and its companies – sometimes un­necessarily. In international ­competition, it is now important to release the brakes. Only then can the continent realise its full potential. And continue to play at eye-level worldwide.

“We have to stand united”

Dr Barbara Frei is convinced the EU has enormous strengths, but they need to be put to better use. In an interview the Executive Vice President Industrial Automation at Schneider Electric argues that technologies for implementing the energy transition need to be promoted just as much as an ecosystem for start-ups. For her, the EU is the basis for a successful future if it develops long-term strategies that lead to further automation, digitalisation and therefore also more energy efficiency in industry, but also in the building sector.

"We need to make a better offer!"

The geopolitical environment and sprawling bureaucracy are challenging Europe. Reinhard Bütikofer, Member of the European Parliament, and ZVEI President Dr Gunther Kegel talk about the state of the EU and its future prospects in an ampere interview.

"It is about appreciation"

Silke Sichter, who is responsible for China affairs at ZVEI, took part in a training programme run by the Business Council for Democracy. In an interview with her trainer Gilda Sahebi, she talks about digital experiences with hate speech, disinformation and conspiracy narratives.