
Digital Economy

The digital transformation of the economy in the age of Industrie 4.0 and new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, affects every business in Europe. ZVEI is committed to the creation of a European Digital Union, with the same rules of the game throughout Europe.

European Office

Digital economy

The digital transformation of the economy in the age of Industrie 4.0 and new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, affects every business in Europe. ZVEI is committed to the creation of a European Digital Union, with the same rules of the game throughout Europe.

The single European market is one of the greatest achievements of the European Union. It is now a matter of shaping it in the age of digitalisation. To achieve this, the right framework conditions must be created rapidly in Europe. What is also needed is a new strategic European industrial policy that focuses on strengthening international competitiveness in a coherent and open-market manner.

In its communication "Strategy for a Digital Single Market for Europe", the European Commission focuses on the timely implementation of EU broadband initiatives. For Germany, this means driving forward broadband expansion across the board.

The establishment of a single European data economy within the internal market is essential: this is a prerequisite for Artificial Intelligence  "made in Europe" and digital business models. However, Europe must take greater account of the international dimension of data traffic. Data does not stop at national or European borders. Global, market-oriented and innovation-friendly framework conditions must therefore be the basis for future legislation in the business area.


Europe & International Europe Digitalisation Electrification