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Results: 239


Fault tolerance in machine safety Part 2

In engineering, fault tolerance means the property of a technical system to maintain its functionality even when failures and error conditions occur.  Fault tolerance increases the availability…


Green Deal – "Fit for 55" Package

The German electrical and digital industry calls for an ambitious climate policy which lives up to the goal of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming, preferably to below 1.5 degrees…


MTP and NOA - Two concepts promoting the future viability of the process industry

The acronyms MTP and NOA have dominated the discussion for some years now, no matter when and where process automation specialists and automation technology providers come together. The Module Type…


Policy paper on standardisation

To achieve the transformation towards a climate-neutral and sustainable society and economy, while maintaining prosperity, the responsible and consistent use of technology and innovations as well as…

04.11.2021 | Europe

Semiconductor Strategy for Germany and Europe - Discussion Paper

ZVEI e.V. has published the paper "Semiconductor Strategy for Germany and Europe", which outlines the first steps towards a comprehensive, long-term, sustainable and effective strategy to strengthen…


UGR method - application and limits

This position paper describes the essential aspects of the „Unified Glare Rating (UGR)“ procedure for the evaluation of discomfort glare from artificial lighting in indoor spaces. The structure…

13.10.2021 | Europe

Recognising the key enabling role of electrical and industrial solutions

The weather extremes in 2021 have shown the threat of climate change is real and immediate action is required to reach our ambitious climate goals by 2030 and 2050 respectively. For reaching…


Guideline on plastic recyclates in the electrical industry

The use of recycled plastics is assessed as one of the core elements for a functioning circular economy, effective climate protection and the achievement of the (especially ecological) Sustainable…

06.08.2021 | Europe, Electrification

ZVEI Comments on the European AI Regulation ("AI Act")

The European Commission presented its proposal for a Regulation on Artificial Intelligence ("AI Act") on 21 April.  The proposed regulation aims to create a legal framework in Europe for…


Application of Artificial Intelligence in an Industrial Context (AI Factsheet 2.0)

Artificial intelligence (AI) in industry is a key driver for securing the future of Germany as an industrial location. AI provides assistance and relief for humans - not only in private everyday…