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Results: 30


Cyber Resilienc Act - ZVEI recommendations for the trilogue

On 15 September 2022, the European Commission published the draft of the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). ZVEI has been intensively involved in the informal discussions between the European legislator and


Study: Power Grids 2030+

On the road to climate neutrality in 2045, the "climate neutral grid" will be the key element in the energy system. This grid must ensure the connection of a rapidly growing number of decentralised r


ZVEI-Show-Case PCF@ControlCabinet

In the ZVEI-Show-Case "PCF@Control Cabinet", the ZVEI presents a flexible, efficient and future-proof concept for the technical implementation of a digital product passport and demonstrates its feasi


CBAM and ETS: European downstream industries at risk

The creation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) coupled with the planned reform of the EU Emission Trading Scheme framework (ETS) calls for the greatest vigilance regarding the impact o

21.03.2022 | Europe

Position Paper on the review of the EU Directive on promoting energy from renewable sources (RED)

The electro and digital industry association (ZVEI) strongly supports the increased level of ambition in the Commission proposal to revise the current Renewable Energy Directive (RED). Implementing m

21.03.2022 | Europe

Position Paper on the recast of EU Directive on energy efficiency (EED)

The electro and digital industry association (ZVEI) strongly supports the increased level of ambition in the Commission proposal to revise and recast the current Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). In


Green Deal – "Fit for 55" Package

The German electrical and digital industry calls for an ambitious climate policy which lives up to the goal of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming, preferably to below 1.5 degrees Celsius. I

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